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Benedikt "CIEL" Gahl

Born 1977 in Munich
Free artist since 1995
1996 several performances with Filter, Zoro Babel, Schloss Dachau
1997 group exhibition "Farbenkrieger" at the gallery Echtzeiträume, Munich. Paintings and graphic artwork
1998 group exhibition "Watch out 4 the third rail" at the Kinder -und Jugendmuseum, Munich. Sculptures and installations in cooperation with Veit Kowald.
1999 participation at "ISAart" Brudermühlbrücke, Munich.
1999 group exhibition "Pangea", Café Marat, Munich. Graphic art.
2000 exhibition "Dis is Munik Underground" at the Infoladen München. Paintings and installations in cooperation with David Kamerer and Veit Kowald.
2000 participation at "ISAart" Brudermühlbrücke, Munich.
2000 exhibition "Odonata" at the gallery die Färberei, Munich. Sculptures, installation and video-montage in cooperation with Veit Kowald, D. Kamerer, W. Lehner and M. Wagner.
2001 Student of cultural studies and aesthetics in Hildesheim
2002 group exhibition "Sichten 9", Hildesheim. Installation.